I want to share with you, my personal story about a tabletop water fountain and newborn babies. My niece was four months pregnant with her first child when she came to live with us. She had a normal pregnancy until the seventh month. Little Emma arrived, she was two months early with extreme heal problems but Emma was a fighter and showed everyone she had the strength, will and determination to win her battle. Emma did have her ups and downs but this delicate little child would eventually teach all of us many valuable lessons about life.
Emma was in ICU for longer than most infants and her interaction with normal toys and things were very restricted. In the beginning she couldn't have any toys or things in her crib and the NIC unit monitored everything, they wouldn't even let us put normal baby items in her crib but they did let us put a cd player on the side so I could play music. Emma's favorite cd was one that played the sounds or flowing and trickling water, I think the sounds were familiar to her, she was very content with listening to the gentle sounds of moving water and it was incredibly soothing to her. Emma was a great baby and with her new cd player playing the natural sounds of a gentle creek, she would instantly calm down, relax and sleep which was the most important part of healing herself. It was as if she were meditating.

Emma benefited from her tabletop water fountain in ways most of us only wish we could. I read many articles about the great health benefits of a tabletop water fountain one said, "the tabletop water fountain is a natural air purifier" and since we live in southern California where the air is often extremely dry, dusty and full of pollen the benefits of the tabletop water fountain seemed obvious. Another article claimed "a tabletop water fountain actually draws dust, pollen and even odors out of a room's air by releasing negative ions created by the fountains moving water". A tabletop water fountain refreshes the air and leaves it smelling clean and crisp which is a real plus in a babies room!

moving water! I am happy to report Emma is 1 year old this month. Almost all her help problems are gone and she still loves her frog and lily pad water fountain, I think she always will.
I'm convinced, the tabletop water fountain benefits our entire family,

I feel proud when I can give a gift that will help in some way unlike alot of gifts. Indoor water fountains are a creative way to enhance your atmosphere and decor at the same time,I think everyone should have a tabletop water fountain or two or for that special occasion a frog and lily pad fountain.designer water fountain fountain
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